The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Tank Troops Fedor Nikolaevich Raevskii

Raevskii, Fedor Nikolaevich

Major-General of Tank Troops

* 19th of February 1897

† 23rd of November 1989

(Федор Николаевич Раевский)


1938-04-17 Colonel
1944-03-11 Major-General of Tank Troops


1938-04-XX 1938-12-14 Commanding Officer Battalion, Kiev Tank-Technical School
1938-12-14 1941-04-XX Assistant Commandant of Kiev Tank-Technical School
1941-07-10 1942-05-XX Commandant of 2nd Gorkov Automotive & Motorcycle School
1942-05-XX 1942-06-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 2nd Motorised Rifle Brigade
1942-06-XX 1943-02-11 Commandant of 2nd Gorkov Automotive & Motorcycle School
1943-02-11 1947-04-08 Commandant of 2nd Gorkovsk Tank School
1947-04-08 1951-12-07 Commandant of Proskurovsk Tank School
1951-12-07 1953-11-01 Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1953-01-29 1953-12-07 Commandant of Tashkent Combined Military School
1953-12-07 1957-01-29 Commandant of the 1st Military Automotive School
1957-01-29 1957-08-22 Head of Central Automotive & Tractor Officers Advanced Training Course
1957-08-22 Retired
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