The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Ivan Leotevich Ragulia

Ragulia, Ivan Leotevich


* 27th of September 1895

† 22nd of July 1944

(Иван Леонтьевич Рагуля)


1943-02-14 Major-General


1939-09-XX 1940-07-XX Chief of Operations Section, LI Rifle Corps
1940-07-XX 1941-10-XX Chief of Operations Section, V Mechanised Corps
1941-10-09 1941-11-XX Chief of Staff, 24th Tank Brigade 00.11.41-00.04.42: Commanding Officer 56th Separate Rifle Brigade
1942-04-XX 1942-09-24 Commanding Officer 133rd Rifle Division
1942-09-24 1943-09-20 Commanding Officer 17th Rifle Division
1943-09-20 1944-07-20 Commanding Officer LXXX Rifle Corps
1944-07-20 1944-07-22 Wounded and hospitalised
1944-07-22 Died of his wounds
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