The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Brigadier-General Edgard Alexandre Emile Raulet

Raulet, Edgard Alexandre Emile


* 15th of February 1877

† 20th of January 1967


1933-09-28 Brigadier-General


1932-09-01 1933-10-23 Assistant Director of Military Services, Ministry of Colonies
1933-10-23 1935-11-09 Commanding Officer Strong Point Dakar
1933-10-23 1935-11-09 Commanding Officer Artillery, French West Africa
1933-10-23 1935-11-09 Commanding Officer 1st West African Brigade
1934-01-05 1934-01-15 In transit
1936-01-22 1936-01-31 In transit
1936-02-01 1936-05-04 On leave
1936-05-01 1937-01-01 Member of the Advisory Committee on Colonial Defence
1937-01-01 1937-02-15 At disposal
1937-02-15 Retired
1939-09-02 Recalled
1939-09-02 1940-07-01 Commanding Officer Main Base for North African and Colonial Labour
1940-07-01 Retired