The Generals of WWII

Generals from Germany Flag for Germany
Portrait of Colonel-General Erhard Franz Josef Raus

Raus, Erhard Franz Josef


* 8th of January 1889

† 3rd of April 1956


1933-06-10 Lieutenant-Colonel (Austrian Army)
1936-12-19 Colonel (Austrian Army)
1941-09-01 Major-General
1943-01-01 Lieutenant-General
1943-05-01 General of Panzer Troops
1944-08-15 Colonel-General


1930-09-15 1933-09-01 Attached to the Infantry School (Austrian Army)
1933-09-01 1934-10-01 Instructor at the Infantry School (Austrian Army)
1934-10-01 1937-11-01 Commandant of the Infantry Musketry School (Austrian Army)
1937-11-01 1938-01-25 Attached to the Federal Ministry of National Defence (Austrian Army)
1938-01-25 1938-03-21 Military Attaché to Italy (Austrian Army)
1938-03-21 Transferred to the German Army
1938-03-21 1938-08-01 Austrian Liaison Officer to 8th Army
1938-08-01 1939-11-10 Attached to Group Command 5
1938-11-10 1940-07-01 Chief of Staff, Military District XVII
1940-07-01 1940-07-25 Commanding Officer 243rd Infantry Regiment
1940-07-25 1941-05-01 Commanding Officer 4th Rifle Regiment
1941-05-01 1941-11-26 Commanding Officer 6th Rifle Brigade
1941-11-26 1942-04-15 Acting General Officer Commanding 6th Panzer Division
1942-04-15 1943-02-07 General Officer Commanding 6th Panzer Division
1943-02-07 1943-07-20 Acting General Officer Commanding General Command for Special Employment Raus
1943-07-20 1943-11-05 General Officer Commanding XI Corps
1943-11-05 1943-11-26 General Officer Commanding XXXXVII Panzer Corps
1943-11-26 1943-12-10 Temporary General Officer Commanding 4th Panzer Army [Eastern Front]
1943-12-10 1944-03-10 Acting General Officer Commanding 4th Panzer Army [Eastern Front]
1944-03-10 1944-05-18 General Officer Commanding 4th Panzer Army [Eastern Front]
1944-05-18 1944-08-16 General Officer Commanding 1st Panzer Army [Eastern Front]
1944-08-16 1945-03-10 General Officer Commanding 3rd Panzer Army [Eastern Front]
1945-03-10 1945-05-08 Unemployed
1945-05-08 1947-06-30 Prisoner of War
1947-06-30 Released
Picture source: BArch PERS 6/300401