The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Brigadier-General Emiddio Rea

Rea, Emiddio


* 23rd of February 1894


1942-07-22 Brigadier-General (Seniority from 1942-07-01)


1935-XX-XX 1936-XX-XX Commanding Officer Engineers, III Corps [East Africa]
1940-08-10 Commanding Officer 6th Engineer Regiment
1940-08-10 Commanding Officer Engineers, V Corps
1941-12-27 Commanding Officer Engineers, III Corps
1941-12-27 Attached to XVII Corps
Commanding Officer Engineers, XVII Corps
1942-05-01 Commanding Officer 15th Engineer Regiment
1942-05-01 1943-01-15 Commanding Officer Engineers, XVI Corps
1943-01-15 1943-02-01 Attached to Libya General Headquarters
1943-02-01 Commanding Officer Engineers, 1st Army [North Africa]
1943-05-13 1945-09-XX Prisoner of War [USA]
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