The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Brigadier-General Jean-Charles-Louis Regnault

Regnault, Jean-Charles-Louis


* 15th of November 1893

† 27th of November 1970


1940-03-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1942-06-25 Colonel
1945-05-08 Temporary Brigadier-General (Dated back to 1945-03-25)
1945-09-01 Brigadier-General (Dated back to 1945-03-25)


1939-09-02 1940-05-21 Chief of Staff, 71st Infantry Division
1940-05-21 1940-05-31 Chief of Staff, 17th Infantry Division
1940-05-31 1940-07-03 Chief of Staff, 59th Light Infantry Division
1940-07-03 1940-11-15 Commanding Officer District Limoges
1940-11-15 1942-04-08 Commanding Officer District Confolens
1942-04-08 1943-05-24 Commanding Officer 7th Algerian Tirailleurs Regiment
1943-05-24 1943-08-02 Head of the Prisoner of War Service, Territorial Division Oran
1943-08-02 1945-01-11 Chief of the French Section, Joint Rearmament Committee
1945-01-11 1945-11-27 Chief of the French Group, Rearmament Division, Supreme Headquarters Allied Forces
1945-11-27 1946-01-19 Chief of the French Group, US and British Missions in France
1946-01-19 1947-09-25 Head of the Military Liaison Service with the Allies
1947-09-25 1948-06-25 President of the Decorations Commission 1939-1945
1947-11-03 1948-06-25 Representative of the Minister of Armed Forces, War Section, at the Commission for Examining Medal Candidates for the "Recognition of Liberated France" Medal
1948-05-25 1950-04-21 Commanding Officer Sub-Division Sarre
1950-04-21 1950-11-15 At disposal
1950-11-15 Retired