The Generals of WWII

Generals from Germany Flag for Germany
Portrait of General of Infantry Hermann Reinecke

Reinecke, Hermann

General of Infantry

* 14th of February 1888

† 10th of October 1973


1933-06-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1935-06-01 Colonel
1939-01-01 Major-General
1940-08-01 Lieutenant-General
1942-06-01 General of Infantry


1932-10-01 1934-02-01 Commanding Officer 2nd Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment
1934-02-01 1935-05-21 Leader of ? Section, Reichwehr Ministry
1935-05-21 1935-07-01 Leader of ? Section, Ministry of War
1935-07-01 1938-02-04 Chief of ? Section, Ministry of War
1938-02-04 1938-08-01 Chief of ? Section, Armed Forces High Command OKW
1938-08-01 1945-05-08 Chief of General Armed Forces Affairs Office, Armed Forces High Command OKW
1943-12-22 1945-05-08 Chief of National-Socialist Leadership Staff, Armed Forces High Command OKW
Picture source: BArch PERS 6/300412