The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Gustavo Reisoli-Matthieu

Reisoli-Matthieu, Gustavo


* 5th of June 1887

† 29th of November 1955


1926-06-13 Lieutenant-Colonel (Seniority from 1926-03-31)
1932-02-18 Colonel (Seniority from 1932-02-01)
1938-07-31 Brigadier-General (Seniority from 1938-01-01)
1941-07-01 Major-General


1926-08-15 Attached to 23rd Infantry Regiment "Como"
1926-08-15 1927-05-15 Attached to Trieste Corps
1927-05-15 1930-03-01 Attached to Torino Corps
1930-03-01 1932-02-18 Chief of Staff, Military Division Torino
1932-02-18 1932-03-01 At disposal
1932-03-01 1935-09-16 Commanding Officer 18th Infantry Regiment "Acqui"
1935-09-16 1936-04-20 Inspector of Pre- & Post-Military Training, Bolzano Military Zone
1938-09-01 1939-03-24 Deputy General Officer Commanding 11th Infantry Division "Brennero"
1939-03-24 1939-09-12 Commanding Officer Frontier Guards, Bolzano Corps
1939-09-12 1939-11-15 At disposal of the Chief of the Army General Staff
1939-11-15 1940-02-15 Attached to the Ministry of War
1940-02-15 1940-05-01 Deputy General Officer Commanding 52nd Infantry Division "Torino"
1940-05-01 1940-06-10 Deputy General Officer Commanding 1st Infantry Division "Superga"
1940-06-10 Commanding Officer Frontier Guards, I Corps
1941-04-19 1943-05-04 General Officer Commanding 7th Infantry Division "Lupi di Toscana"
1943-05-04 Attached to Sardinia General Headquarters
1943-07-15 1943-09-08 General Officer Commanding XIII Corps
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