The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Brigadier-General Louis-Eugène Renvoyer

Renvoyer, Louis-Eugène


* 18th of September 1890

† 8th of October 1973


1939-12-01 Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel
1939-12-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-06-25 Temporary Colonel
1941-09-25 Reverted to Lieutenant-Colonel
1942-06-25 Colonel
1945-06-25 Temporary Brigadier-General
1945-09-01 Brigadier-General (Dated back to 1945-06-25)


1939-11-05 1940-05-28 Commanding Officer 15th Transport Group
1940-05-28 1940-10-04 Commanding Officer Supply Train, 15th Military Region
1940-10-04 1941-09-04 Commanding Officer Supply Train, Levant
1941-11-01 1942-07-04 Commanding Officer 29th Supply Train Squadron
1942-07-04 1943-05-20 Chief of the Social Service, Territorial Division Casablanca [Morocco]
1943-05-20 1943-06-20 Commandant of Prisoners of War Camp Geryville [Morocco]
1943-06-20 1943-09-30 Commanding Officer Supply Train, Morocco
1943-10-01 1944-09-23 Commanding Officer 58th Orientation Centre for Supply Train
1944-09-23 1944-12-23 Commanding Officer Supply Train, French North Africa
1944-12-23 1945-09-10 Commanding Officer Supply Train, General Reserve
1945-09-10 1946-04-01 Commanding Officer Sub-Divisions Group Amiens
1946-04-01 1946-10-01 Commanding Officer Sub-Division Amiens
1946-10-01 Retired