The Generals of WWII

Generals from The Netherlands Flag for The Netherlands
Portrait of General Izaak Herman Reynders

Reynders, Izaak Herman


* 27th of March 1879

† 31st of December 1966

(Izaak Herman Reijnders)


1928-08-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1931-11-01 Colonel
1933-11-01 Major-General
1935-11-01 Lieutenant-General
1939-08-30 General


1928-08-01 1931-11-01 Chief of Staff, 1st Division
1931-11-01 1932-11-01 Attached to the General Staff
1932-11-01 1934-05-01 Inspector of Infantry
1934-05-01 1939-08-28 Chief of the General Staff
1939-08-28 1940-02-06 Commander in Chief Armed Forces
1940-02-06 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Hans Houterman &