The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Umberto Ricagno

Ricagno, Umberto


* 14th of March 1890

† 17th of July 1964


1926-11-04 Lieutenant-Colonel (Seniority from 1926-03-31)
1935-06-16 Colonel
1940-10-15 Brigadier-General (Seniority from 1940-07-01)
1943-01-25 Major-General (Seniority from 1943-01-01)
1947-01-01 Lieutenant-General


1926-03-14 1928-06-01 Attached to 6th Alpine Regiment
1928-06-01 1931-08-28 Instructor (Tactics) at the War School
1931-08-28 1935-04-01 Attached to the General Staff Corps
1935-04-01 1935-06-16 Acting Commanding Officer 5th Alpine Regiment
1935-06-16 1936-10-20 Commanding Officer 5th Alpine Regiment
1936-10-20 1937-10-15 Commanding Officer 1st Alpine Regiment
1937-10-15 1938-09-01 Chief of Staff, 7th Infantry Division "Leonessa"
1938-09-01 1939-04-02 Chief of Staff, 4th Alpine Division "Cuneense"
1939-04-02 1939-07-15 Acting Chief of Staff, Albania Corps
1939-07-15 Chief of Staff, Albania Corps
1940-11-09 Attached to XXVI Corps
1940-11-09 1940-11-16 Attached to Albania General Headquarters
1940-11-16 1940-12-06 Attached to the Ministry of War
1940-12-06 1940-12-20 Attached to the Alpine Corps
1940-12-20 Attached to IX Corps
1941-XX-XX Chief of Staff, Albania General Headquarters
1941-09-10 At disposal of Greece General Headquarters
1941-09-10 1943-01-23 General Officer Commanding 3rd Alpine Division "Julia" [Russia]
1943-01-23 1950-05-16 Prisoner of War [Russia]
General Officer Commanding IX Territorial Defence Command
1954-05-01 1964-07-17 Commissar-General for Honours to the Fallen
Picture source: Courtesy of Franco Tarnassi