The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Aurelio Ricchetti

Ricchetti, Aurelio


* 1st of April 1876

† 5th of June 1939


1916-05-18 Lieutenant-Colonel (Seniority from 1916-04-29)
1917-04-15 Colonel (Seniority from 1916-11-05)
1926-12-31 Brigadier-General
1932-01-01 Major-General
1935-05-05 Lieutenant-General


1918-04-03 1918-08-16 Chief of Staff, Intendancy, 1st Army
1919-03-10 1921-09-03 Chief Instructor (Logistics) at the War School
1921-09-03 1923-03-12 Attached to the Supreme Directorate of Military Schools
1923-03-12 1924-01-01 Attached to the Army Council
1924-01-01 1926-04-16 Commandant of the Central Artillery School
1926-04-16 1926-12-31 Deputy Chief of Staff, Army of Napoli
1926-12-31 1931-01-05 Commanding Officer Artillery Sardinia Military Command
1931-01-05 1932-01-01 Inspector of Mobilisation, Territorial Military Division Milano
1932-01-01 1933-09-26 General Officer Commanding Territorial Military Division Asti
1933-09-26 1933-09-28 At disposal
1933-09-28 1933-XX-XX Director of the Military Chemical Centre
1933-XX-XX 1939-09-05 Director of Military Chemical Services, Ministry of War
1939-04-17 1939-06-05 Member of the Commission for the Armed Forces, Senate