The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Edoardo Ridolfi

Ridolfi, Edoardo


* 21st of January 1879


1917-10-12 Lieutenant-Colonel
1926-06-13 Colonel (Seniority from 1926-03-31)
1934-01-10 Brigadier-General
1937-09-09 Major-General (Seniority from 1937-07-01)
1939-12-31 Lieutenant-General (Seniority from 1939-07-19)


1916-08-10 1918-06-15 Commanding Officer 3rd Battalion, 58th Infantry Regiment
1918-06-16 1918-11-17 Commanding Officer 58th Infantry Regiment
1918-11-17 1920-02-21 Attached to 57th Infantry Regiment "Abruzzi"
1920-02-21 1926-06-13 Attached to 35th Infantry Regiment "Pistoia"
1926-06-13 1928-11-28 Commanding Officer 74th Infantry Regiment "Lombardia"
1928-11-28 Commanding Officer Military District Reggio Emilia
1933-11-01 Commanding Officer 66th Infantry Regiment "Valtellina"
1933-11-01 1934-01-10 Attached to Bologna Corps
1934-01-10 1934-02-08 Inspector of Mobilisation, Military Division Brescia
1934-02-08 1934-09-16 Inspector of Mobilisation, Military Division Leonessa
1934-09-16 1937-01-01 Commanding Officer 7th Infantry Brigade "Brescia"
1937-01-01 1937-09-09 Commanding Officer Brescia Military Zone
1937-09-09 1940-02-15 General Officer Commanding Bari Territorial Defence Command
1940-02-15 1940-07-31 Attached to the Ministry of War
1940-07-31 Retired