The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Major-General Marcel Rime-Bruneau

Rime-Bruneau, Marcel


* 22nd of July 1893

† 10th of February 1961


1937-09-27 Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-12-25 Colonel
1944-02-29 Temporary Brigadier-General (Dated back to 1943-12-25)
1945-09-01 Brigadier-General (Dated back to 1943-12-25)
1946-11-15 Major-General


1934-01-14 1939-09-02 Assistant Chief of Staff, Tunisia
1939-09-03 1940-04-02 Assistant Chief of Staff, Southern Tunisian Front
1940-04-02 1940-04-26 Chief of Staff, 81st African Infantry Division
1940-04-26 1940-05-24 Chief of Staff, 4th Armoured Division
1940-05-24 1940-05-27 At disposal
1940-05-27 1940-08-06 Attached to 15th Military Region
1940-08-06 1940-09-11 At disposal of the Commander in Chief, North African Theatre of Operations
1940-09-11 1940-11-04 Commanding Officer 4th Zouaves Regiment [Tunisia]
1940-11-05 1941-01-05 Commanding Officer 151st Infantry Regiment
1941-01-05 1942-11-12 Armistice leave
1942-11-12 1943-06-20 Chief of Staff, French Military Mission at the Allied Forces Headquarters in Algiers
1943-06-20 1945-02-22 At disposal of the Resident-General in Tunisia
1945-02-22 1946-11-16 At disposal of the Commander in Chief Tunisia
1946-11-16 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Marie-France Ganansia