The Generals of WWII

Generals from Germany Flag for Germany
Portrait of General of Mountain Troops Julius Ringel

Ringel, Julius

General of Mountain Troops

* 16th of November 1889

† 10th of February 1967


1934-12-17 Lieutenant-Colonel (Austrian Army)
1939-02-01 Colonel
1940-11-01 Major-General
1942-12-01 Lieutenant-General
1944-06-01 General of Mountain Troops


1936-07-20 1938-04-01 Deputy Chief of Staff Division Command 5 (Austrian Army)
1938-03-13 Transferred to the German Army
1938-03-13 1939-03-01 Chief of staff, 3rd Mountain Division
1939-03-01 1939-08-27 Attached to 74th Infantry Regiment
1939-08-27 1939-10-15 Chief of Operations (Ia), 268th Infantry Division
1939-10-15 1939-10-27 Unemployed
1939-10-27 1940-06-14 Commanding Officer 266th Infantry Regiment
1940-06-14 1940-10-25 Acting General Officer Commanding 3rd Mountain Division
1940-10-25 1944-02-10 General Officer Commanding 5th Mountain Division
1944-02-10 1944-03-15 Unemployed
1944-03-15 1944-04-01 At disposal of Army Group F
1944-04-01 1944-06-01 Acting General Officer Commanding LXIX Corps
1944-06-01 1944-06-24 General Officer Commanding LXIX Corps
1944-06-24 1945-01-01 Acting General Officer Commanding Military District XVIII
1945-01-01 1945-05-08 General Officer Commanding Military District XVIII
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