The Generals of WWII

Generals from The Netherlands Flag for The Netherlands
Portrait of General Willem Roëll

Roëll, Willem


* 20th of November 1873

† 15th of November 1958


1924-05-03 Lieutenant-Colonel
1926-10-01 Colonel
1929-05-01 Major-General
1932-05-01 Lieutenant-General
1954-04-10 Honorary General 05.09.25-01.10.26: Commanding Officer 6th Field Artillery Regiment


1926-10-01 1929-05-01 Commanding Officer 1st Artillery Brigade
1929-05-01 1932-05-01 General Officer Commanding 1st Division
1929-05-01 1932-05-01 General Officer Commanding 1st Detachment
1932-05-01 1937-03-31 Commander in Chief of the Field Army
1932-05-01 1937-03-31 Commandant of Fortress Holland
1937-03-31 Retired
1940-XX-XX Head of Resistance Organisation Ordedienst
1940-XX-XX 1941-XX-XX In hostage by the Germans
1942-XX-XX 1945-XX-XX Prisoner of War
Picture source: Courtesy of Hans Houterman &