The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Colonel-General Aleksandr Iliich Rodimtsev

Rodimtsev, Aleksandr Iliich


* 8th of March 1905

† 13th of April 1977

(Александр Ильич Родимцев)


1942-05-21 Major-General
1944-01-17 Lieutenant-General
1961-05-09 Colonel-General


1937-09-XX 1939-05-XX Commanding Officer 61st Cavalry Regiment
1939-05-XX 1941-05-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 36th Cavalry Division
1941-05-XX 1941-11-06 Commanding Officer 5th Airborne Brigade
1941-11-06 1942-01-19 Commanding Officer 87th Guards Rifle Division
1942-01-19 1943-04-XX Commanding Officer 13th Guards Rifle Division
1943-04-17 1946-05-XX Commanding Officer XXXII Guards Rifle Corps
1947-03-26 1951-02-XX Commanding Officer XI Guards Rifle Corps
1951-02-XX 1952-06-XX Assistant Commander in Chief Eastern Siberian Military District
1953-03-XX 1956-11-XX Head of the Soviet Military Mission to Albania
1953-03-XX 1956-11-XX Military Attaché to Tirana
1956-11-XX 1960-05-XX First Deputy Commander in Chief Northern Military District
1960-05-23 1966-03-18 Commanding Officer 1st Separate Army
1966-03-18 1977-04-13 Inspector-Counsellor, Group of Inspector-Generals, Ministry of Defence
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