The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Corps-Commissar Fedor Efimovich Rodionov

Rodionov, Fedor Efimovich


* January 1897

† 9th of December 1937

(Федор Ефимович Родионов)


1935-11-28 Corps-Commissar


1930-10-XX 1934-04-XX Chief of Agitation & Mass Campaigns Section, Political Directorate
1934-04-XX 1936-02-XX Assistant Commander in Chief for Political Affairs, Navy
1934-04-XX 1936-02-XX Assistant Head for Naval Affairs, Political Directorate
1936-02-XX 1937-05-30 Head of Central House of the Army
1937-05-30 1937-12-09 Arrested
1937-12-09 Condemned to death
1939-12-09 Executed
1956-07-28 Rehabilitated
Picture source: Courtesy of Mikhail Eremenko