The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Vladimir Arkadevich Rodionov

Rodionov, Vladimir Arkadevich


* 11th of June 1900

† 27th of December 1968

(Владимир Аркадьевич Родионов)


1944-09-13 Major-General


1939-08-XX 1941-09-XX Commandant of NKVD Border Troops Junior Command School, Leningrad
1941-09-XX 1942-02-XX Commanding Officer 14th NKVD Rifle Regiment
1942-02-XX 1942-04-XX Acting Deputy Commanding Officer 189th Rifle Division
1942-04-XX 1942-XX-XX Commanding Officer Separate Internal Defence Rifle Brigade, Leningrad
1942-XX-XX 1942-11-10 Commanding Officer 13th Separate Rifle Brigade
1942-11-10 1943-12-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 90th Rifle Division
1943-12-XX 1944-04-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 201st Rifle Division
1944-04-13 1944-05-21 Commanding Officer 13th Rifle Division
1944-05-23 1945-09-XX Commanding Officer 245th Rifle Division
1945-09-XX 1946-09-XX Commanding Officer 67th Guards Rifle Division
1946-09-XX 1949-05-XX Head of Tactics Department, Higher Military Pedagogical Institute
1949-05-XX 1953-01-XX Assistant Commandant for Formation, Military Physical Culture Institute
1953-01-XX 1955-02-XX Deputy Commandant for Operational-Tactical & Formation Training, Military Physical Culture Institute
1955-02-XX Retired
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