The Generals of WWII

Generals from Germany Flag for Germany
Portrait of General of Infantry Friedrich Roese

Roese, Friedrich

General of Infantry

* 21st of October 1879

† 9th of November 1966


1925-04-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1929-03-01 Colonel
1932-04-01 Major-General
1937-04-01 Lieutenant-General
1938-05-01 Honorary General of infantry
1942-02-01 General of Infantry (at Disposal)


1928-11-01 1932-09-30 Commanding Officer 4th Infantry Regiment
1932-09-30 Retired
1935-10-01 Recalled
1935-10-01 1938-05-01 Inspector of Infantry
1938-05-01 1938-06-30 at disposal of the Commander in Chief of the Army
1938-05-01 Retired
1939-09-01 Recalled
1939-09-01 1942-05-01 Inspector of Infantry, Replacement Army
1942-05-01 1942-07-31 Unemployed
1942-07-31 Retired
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