The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Brigadier-General Antonio Rombolà

Rombolà, Antonio


* 16th of August 1891


1925-08-07 Lieutenant-Colonel (Seniority from 1925-06-30)
1937-09-25 Colonel (Medical)(Seniority from 1937-07-01)
1938-07-25 Colonel (Medical)(Seniority from 1937-02-20)
1940-10-15 Brigadier-General (Medical)(Seniority from 1940-07-01)


1925-XX-XX At disposal of the Ministry of Finance
1935-07-23 Director of Padova Military Hospital
1935-07-23 Member of the Medical Commission for Veterans, Livorno
1938-09-01 1939-XX-XX Chief of Medical Service, Udine Corps
1939-01-14 Member of the Medical Commission for Veterans, Firenze
1940-10-20 1941-08-10 Inspector of Medical Services, Verona Zone
1941-07-01 Retired, but remained employed
1941-08-10 1942-05-01 Inspector of Medical Services, Napoli Zone
1942-05-01 Retired