The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Federico Romero

Romero, Federico


* 27th of May 1884

† 3rd of October 1966


1919-03-02 Lieutenant-Colonel (Seniority from 1918-11-17)
1927-11-27 Colonel (Seniority from 1927-08-07)
1936-01-02 Brigadier-General (Seniority from 1936-01-01)
1938-07-31 Major-General (Seniority from 1938-06-30)
1943-07-23 Lieutenant-General (Seniority from 1943-07-01)


1920-04-01 On leave
1922-08-31 Attached to Military Division Bologna
1922-09-01 Attached to the War School
1927-11-27 Attached to 92nd Infantry Regiment "Basilicata"
1927-11-27 1930-01-10 Commanding Officer 19th Infantry Regiment "Brescia" 10.01.30-30.11.33: Chief Instructor (Military Geography) at the War School
1933-11-30 1935-06-25 Chief of Staff, Torino Corps
1935-06-25 1936-01-02 Acting Commanding Officer 26th Infantry Brigade "Assietta"
1936-01-02 1937-04-15 Commanding Officer 26th Infantry Brigade "Assietta"
1936-01-02 1937-04-15 Deputy General Officer Commanding 26th Infantry Division "Assietta"
1937-04-15 1937-05-25 Attached to the Ministry of War
1937-05-25 1938-04-15 Chief of ? Department, General Staff Corps
1938-04-15 1942-03-01 General Officer Commanding 14th Infantry Division "Isonzo"
1942-03-01 1943-09-08 General Officer Commanding I Corps
Picture source: Courtesy of Valdis Kursietis