The Generals of WWII

Generals from Germany Flag for Germany
Portrait of Field Marshal Erwin Johannes Eugen Rommel

Rommel, Erwin Johannes Eugen

Field Marshal

* 15th of November 1891

† 14th of October 1944


1935-03-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1937-08-01 Colonel
1939-08-01 Major-General
1941-01-01 Lieutenant-General
1941-07-01 General of Panzer Troops
1942-01-30 Colonel-General
1942-06-22 Field Marshal


1935-01-25 1935-10-15 Commanding Officer 3rd Battalion, Infantry Regiment Göttingen
1935-10-15 1938-11-10 Chief Instructor at the War School, Potsdam
1938-11-10 1939-08-26 Commandant of the War School, Wiener-Neustadt
1939-08-26 1940-02-15 Commandant of Führer Headquarters [Poland]
1940-02-15 1941-02-14 General Officer Commanding 7th Panzer Division [France]
1941-02-14 1941-09-01 General Officer Commanding German Africa Corps
1941-09-01 1942-02-21 General Officer Commanding Panzer Group Africa
1942-02-21 1943-01-01 General Officer Commanding Panzer Army Africa
1943-01-01 1943-03-09 Commander in Chief Army Group Africa
1943-03-09 1943-07-15 Unemployed
1943-07-15 1944-07-17 Commander in Chief Army Group B [Italy - France]
1944-07-17 1944-09-04 Wounded and convalescing
1944-09-04 1944-10-14 Unemployed
1944-10-14 Committed suicide
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