The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Ercole Ronco

Ronco, Ercole


* 16th of April 1890

† 10th of October 1967


1926-12-05 Lieutenant-Colonel (Seniority from
1937-01-21 Colonel (Seniority from 1936-12-31)
1942-04-15 Brigadier-General (Seniority from 1942-01-01)


1921-12-01 1928-05-01 Instructor at the War School
1928-05-01 1931-06-01 Attached to Royal Colonial Troops Corps Cyrenaica
1931-06-01 1933-03-16 Attached to the General Staff Corps
1933-03-16 1933-12-31 Attached to the Central Military School
1933-12-31 1934-10-13 Attached to the General Staff Corps
1934-10-14 1935-09-19 Chief of Staff, 2nd Higher Alpine Command
1935-09-19 1937-01-21 Acting Commanding Officer 94th Infantry Regiment "Messina"
1937-01-21 1937-09-19 Commanding Officer 94th Infantry Regiment "Messina"
1937-09-20 1937-09-26 Attached to the Military of War
1937-09-27 1939-01-25 Attached to the General Staff Corps
1939-01-26 1940-07-16 Liaison Officer to the Chief of the Naval Staff
1940-07-16 1942-09-15 Chief of Staff, Aegean Islands General Headquarters
1942-09-15 1942-11-01 Commandant of the Parachute Centre
1942-11-01 1943-09-08 General Officer Commanding 184th Parachute Division "Nembo"
1944-XX-XX General Officer Commanding 30th Infantry Division "Sabauda"
1944-XX-XX General Officer Commanding Internal Security Division "Sabauda"
1945-XX-XX General Officer Commanding Division "Piceno"
1945-02-10 1945-07-04 Chief of the Army General Staff
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