The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Brigadier-General Alfredo Rosacher

Rosacher, Alfredo


* 3rd of April 1864


1917-07-26 Lieutenant-Colonel
1932-09-24 Brigadier-General


1918-10-01 1921-03-23 At disposal of the Ministry of War
1921-03-24 1922-06-12 Commanding Officer 16th Infantry Regiment
1922-06-12 1926-12-05 Commanding Officer 12th Infantry Regiment
1926-12-05 1926-12-26 At disposal of the Ministry of War
1926-12-26 1931-08-02 President of the Military Tribunal, Trieste
1931-08-02 Unemployed
1939-08-02 Retired