The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Major-General Robert Knox Ross

Ross, Robert Knox


* 23rd of August 1893

† 3rd of November 1951

(Queen's Royal Regiment)


1937-04-24 Lieutenant-Colonel
1940-05-10 Colonel (Dated back to 1940-04-24)
1940-05-10 Acting Brigadier
1940-11-10 Temporary Brigadier
1942-09-12 Acting Major-General
1943-09-12 Temporary Major-General
1944-12-12 Major-General (Dated back to 1944-02-03)


1937-04-24 1940-05-09 Commanding Officer 2nd Battalion, Queen's Royal Regiment
1940-05-10 1942-09-17 Commanding Officer 160th Infantry Brigade
1942-09-12 1945-02-16 General Officer Commanding 53rd Infantry Division [Northwestern Europe]
1945-03-10 1945-05-27 General Officer Commanding 53rd Infantry Division [Northwestern Europe]
1945-06-03 1945-08-26 General Officer Commanding 53rd Infantry Division [Northwestern Europe]
1945-XX-XX 1946-XX-XX District Officer Commanding Aldershot & Hants District
1946-12-12 Retired
1947-09-25 1951-02-07 Honorary Colonel, 5th Battalion, Queen's Royal Regimment, Territorial Army
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