The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Aldo Rossi

Rossi, Aldo


* 21st of June 1898

† 1990


1936-07-24 Lieutenant-Colonel (War merits)(Seniority from 1936-05-05)
1940-05-30 Colonel (Seniority from 1940-01-01)


1936-11-15 Attached to Royal Colonial Troops Corps Eritrea
1936-11-15 1938-08-15 Attached to 27th Divisional Artillery Regiment
1938-08-15 1938-09-10 Attached to 8th Motorized Division "Po"
1938-09-10 1939-01-02 Chief of Staff, 8th Motorized Division "Po"
1939-01-02 1939-04-04 Chief of Staff, 101st Motorized Division "Po"
1939-04-04 1940-XX-XX Chief of Staff, 101st Motorized Division "Trieste"
1941-01-07 Commanding Officer 1st Division Artillery Regiment
1941-01-07 Chief of Staff, 3rd Infantry Division "Ravenna"
Commanding Officer Artillery, 104th Infantry Division "Mantova"
Assistant Chief of the Army General Staff
General Officer Commanding 20th Infantry Division "Fruili"
1947-XX-XX 1949-XX-XX Commandant of the Supreme Institute of War
1949-XX-XX 1951-08-31 Commandant of War School
1956-XX-XX General Officer Commanding VI Territorial Defence Command
1958-11-10 1959-03-XX Commander in Chief NATO Forces Southern Europe
1959-04-01 1966-01-31 Chief of the General Defence Staff
1966-01-31 Retired
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