The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Brigadier-General Daniel-Alexandre-Adolphe Rottier

Rottier, Daniel-Alexandre-Adolphe


* 13th of February 1888

† 1978


1931-09-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1936-12-25 Colonel
1941-05-20 Brigadier-General


1937-05-15 1940-04-16 Commanding Officer 8th Senegalese Tirailleurs Regiment
1940-04-16 1941-06-07 Commanding Officer Northern Territories Syria & Euphrates
1941-06-19 1941-09-27 Commanding Officer Troops Northern Territories Syria
1941-09-27 1941-10-04 In transit
1941-10-05 1944-08-27 On leave
1944-08-27 1945-02-13 At disposal
1945-02-13 Retired