The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Brigadier-General François Roumanet

Roumanet, François


* 19th of October 1887

† 22nd of July 1979


1938-03-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1940-03-25 Colonel
1942-08-20 Brigadier-General


1939-09-02 1939-09-10 Attached to Supply Train, General Reserve
1939-09-10 1940-06-25 Delegate of the Director of Road Movements & Transport, General Headquarters
1940-06-25 1940-08-10 Commanding Officer Supply Train, Ministerial Reserve
1940-08-10 1940-11-18 Commanding Officer Supply Train, 12th Military Region
1940-11-18 1942-12-04 Inspector of Supply Train
1942-12-04 1943-03-01 On leave
1943-03-01 1943-04-30 Armistice leave
1943-04-30 1944-03-01 Regional Director of the Army Social Service, Châteauroux
1944-03-01 1944-04-01 At disposal
1944-04-01 Retired
1944-05-03 Arrested by the Germans
1944-05-03 1945-05-11 Imprisoned