The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Tank Troops Grigorii Sergeevich Rudchenko

Rudchenko, Grigorii Sergeevich

Major-General of Tank Troops

* 12th of February 1900

† 1st of September 1943

(Григорий Сергеевич Рудченко)


1940-12-09 Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-XX-XX Colonel
1943-08-31 Major-General of Tank Troops


1940-11-28 1941-03-12 Chief of Staff, 31st Separate Light Tank Brigade
1941-03-12 1941-09-28 Chief of Staff, 55th Tank Division
1941-09-28 1942-01-05 Chief of Staff, 12th Tank Brigade
1942-01-05 1942-04-19 Chief of Operations Section, Main Tank Directorate
1942-04-19 1943-08-25 Chief of Staff, IX Tank Corps
1943-08-25 1943-09-01 Commanding Officer IX Tank Corps
1943-09-01 Killed in Action
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