The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Donato Antonio Ruggieri

Ruggieri, Donato Antonio


* 7th of December 1869

† 23rd of December 1951


1916-05-21 Colonel (Seniority from 1916-04-29)
1925-12-05 Brigadier-General
1930-01-16 Major-General
1940-11-20 Lieutenant-General (Seniority from 1940-01-01)


1917-06-24 1917-09-20 Deputy Chief of Staff, 6th Army
1917-09-20 1917-12-31 Chief of Staff, Altipiani Troops Command
1918-02-15 1919-02-01 Chief of Staff, XVIII Corps
1920-07-16 Attached to Military Division Ancona
1920-07-16 1920-08-07 Chief of Staff, Firenze Corps
1920-08-07 1923-06-30 Chief of Staff, Military Division Ancona
1923-06-30 1923-07-01 Attached to the Ministry of War
1923-07-01 1925-12-05 Commanding Officer 77th Infantry Regiment "Toscana"
1925-12-05 1926-12-19 Commanding Officer Infantry Brigade "Torino"
1926-12-19 1930-01-16 Inspector of Mobilisation, Territorial Military Division Roma
1930-01-16 1931-12-21 General Officer Commanding Territorial Military Division Udine
1931-12-21 1933-10-07 Member of the Supreme Military Tribunal
1933-10-07 1933-12-07 At disposal
1933-12-07 1940-01-01 Unemployed
1940-01-01 Retired