The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Major-General George Neville Russell

Russell, George Neville


* 19th of October 1899

† 24th of August 1971

(Royal Engineers)


1939-09-16 Acting Lieutenant-Colonel
1939-12-16 Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel
1940-07-21 Local Colonel
1940-11-16 Acting Colonel
1942-05-24 Temporary Brigadier
1944-01-18 Acting Major-General
1944-03-01 Colonel
1945-01-18 Temporary Major-General
1948-04-03 Granted the Honorary rank of Major-General


1939-09-16 1940-07-20 Assistant Director of Transport, British Expeditionary Force [France]
1940-07-21 1940-11-14 Assistant Director of Transport, War Office
1940-11-15 1941-04-23 Assistant Director of Movements, Middle East Command
1941-XX-XX 1942-XX-XX Commanding Officer ? Brigade, Middle East
1942-XX-XX 1943-XX-XX Director of Movements, Middle East Command
1943-09-15 1944-01-17 Director of Movements, Army Headquarters India
1944-01-18 1946-XX-XX Deputy Quartermaster-General, Army Headquarters India
1946-XX-XX 1947-XX-XX Transportation Adviser to the Foreign Office Special Commissioner in Southeast Asia
1948-04-03 Retired