The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Major-General Léon-Eugène Sérant

Sérant, Léon-Eugène


* 15th of January 1884

† 23rd of October 1980


1928-12-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1932-12-25 Colonel
1937-12-22 Brigadier-General
1941-02-20 Major-General


1928-XX-XX 1932-10-22 Attached to 4th Bureau, Army General Staff
1932-10-22 1932-12-25 Temporary Commanding Officer 73rd Artillery Regiment
1932-10-22 1932-12-25 Temporary Commanding Officer Artillery, 2nd Cavalry Division
1932-12-25 Commanding Officer 73rd Artillery Regiment
1932-12-25 Commanding Officer Artillery, 2nd Cavalry Division
1936-04-06 Chief of Staff, 18th Military Region
1936-04-06 Chief of Staff, 20th Military Region
1939-07-10 1940-07-02 Assistant Chief of Staff for Gaz Protection, Army General Staff
1940-XX-XX President of the Prophylaxis Commission
1940-07-02 1940-08-17 Commanding Officer Sub-Division Toulouse
1940-08-17 1940-11-10 General Officer Commanding 5th Infantry Division
1940-11-10 1940-12-15 Assistant General Officer Commanding 17th Military Division
1940-12-15 1943-08-01 Director of Civil Defence, Secretariat of State for War
1943-01-15 Retired, but remained employed
1943-08-01 Retired
1945-04-01 Recalled
1945-04-01 1945-08-10 Chief of Army Chemical Service
1945-08-10 Retired