The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of General Raoul-Albert-Louis Salan

Salan, Raoul-Albert-Louis


* 10th of June 1899

† 3rd of July 1984


1941-06-24 Lieutenant-Colonel
1943-06-25 Colonel
1944-12-25 Brigadier-General
1947-09-01 Major-General
1951-09-01 Lieutenant-General
1956-11-12 General


1941-09-24 1943-08-31 Head of 2nd Bureau French West Africa
1943-08-31 1944-05-30 Head of 2nd Bureau North Africa
1944-05-30 1944-12-25 Commanding Officer 6th Senegalese Regiment
1944-12-25 1945-02-20 Commanding Officer Infantry 9th Colonial Division
1945-02-20 1945-10-29 General Officer Commanding 14th Division
1945-10-29 1946-04-01 General Officer Commanding French Forces in Tonkin & China
1947-05-25 1948-02-10 General Officer Commanding Northern Indochina
1948-02-10 1948-06-10 Commander in Chief Far East Land Forces
1949-09-01 1950-12-11 Director of Colonial Troops, Ministry of National Defence
1950-12-14 1950-12-29 Commander in Chief Far East Land Forces
1950-12-29 1951-02-10 General Officer Commanding Tonkin Operational Zone
1950-12-29 1951-02-10 Temporary High Commissioner of North Vietnam
1951-02-10 1951-08-01 Assistant High Commissioner of Indochina
1951-08-01 1951-09-01 Commissioner of South Vietnam
1952-04-09 1953-05-28 Commander in Chief Indochina
1954-01-01 1954-06-08 Inspector-General for the Defence
1954-06-08 1954-10-27 Assistant Commander in Chief Indochina
1955-01-12 1956-11-12 Member of the Supreme War Council
1956-06-06 1958-12-19 General Officer Commander in Chief Algeria
1958-12-19 1959-02-07 Inspector-General for National Defence
1959-02-07 1960-06-10 Military-Governor of Paris
1960-06-10 Retired
1961-04-21 1961-04-26 Led a Mutiny in Algeria
1961-04-26 1962-04-20 Head of the OAS
1962-XX-XX Condemned to death as traitor in absentia
1962-04-20 Arrested
1962-05-23 Sentenced changed life imprisonment
1968-06-15 Released
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