The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Intendant-General 1st Class Abel-Paul-Timothée Saleine

Saleine, Abel-Paul-Timothée

Intendant-General 1st Class

* 6th of June 1875

† 17th of September 1949


1918-06-28 Military Sub-Intendant
1925-11-18 Intendant-General 2nd Class
1935-05-29 Intendant-General 1st Class


1925-11-16 1927-04-27 Assistant Director of Intendancy Service, Colonial Corps
1927-04-27 1929-10-24 Director of Intendancy Service, French West African Group
1929-10-24 1930-03-31 At disposal
1930-03-31 1931-10-20 Assistant Member of the Advisory Committee on Colonial Defence 20.10.31-11.03.34: Director of Intendancy Service, Indochina
1934-03-11 1934-11-27 On leave
1934-11-27 1934-12-03 At disposal
1934-12-03 1935-05-08 Delegate of the Department of War at the Conference on Economics in Metropolitan France & Overseas
1935-05-08 1937-06-06 Assistant Member of the Advisory Committee on Colonial Defence
1935-05-08 1937-06-06 Representative of the Colonial Troops at the Inspectorate-General of Intendancy
1937-06-06 Retired
1939-09-02 1940-05-16 Representative of the Colonial Troops to Inspectorate-General of Intendancy Service
1940-05-16 Retired