The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Major-General Arthur Guy Salisbury-Jones

Salisbury-Jones, Arthur Guy


* 4th of July 1896

† 8th of May 1985

(Coldstream Guards)


1938-11-09 Lieutenant-Colonel
1940-03-16 Acting Colonel
1940-09-16 Temporary Colonel
1941-08-31 Relinquish the Temporary rank of Colonel
1941-11-07 Temporary Colonel
1941-11-07 Acting Brigadier
1941-12-25 Colonel (Dated back to 1941-11-09)
1942-05-07 Temporary Brigadier
1946-05-03 Temporary Brigadier
1946-05-03 Acting Major-General
1947-05-03 Temporary Major-General
1947-11-01 Brigadier
1949-06-22 Granted the Honorary rank of Major-General


1938-11-09 1939-11-28 Commanding Officer 3rd Battalion, Coldstream Guards [Palestine]
1939-11-28 1940-07-02 General Staff Officer 1, British Military Mission to French Headquarters in the Levant
1940-07-03 1940-08-24 General Staff Officer 1, ? [Middle East]
1940-08-25 1940-12-17 General Staff Officer 1, 2nd African Division [East Africa]
1940-12-18 1941-08-31 General Staff Officer 1, British Military to Greece
1941-11-07 1944-XX-XX Head of the British Military Mission to South Africa
1944-XX-XX 1945-XX-XX Deputy Chief of Displaced Person Branch, Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force
1945-XX-XX Permanent British Represenative, Combined Displaced Persons Executive, United Nations Relief & Rehabilitation Administration
1946-05-24 1949-XX-XX Head of the British Military Mission to France
1946-05-24 1949-05-25 Military Attaché to France
1948-08-16 1949-06-22 Aide-de-Camp to the King
1949-06-22 Retired
Picture source: NPG x185099, National Portrait Gallery, London