The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Hidehiro Sasai

Sasai, Hidehiro


* 21st of July 1885


(ささい ひでひろ)


1930-03-06 Army Surgeon 1st Class
1934-12-10 Surgeon Major-General
1937-02-15 Major-General
1938-07-15 Lieutenant-General


1930-03-06 1932-08-08 Head of Liaoyang Army Hospital
1932-08-08 1936-12-28 Chief of Medical Section, 10th Division
1936-12-28 1937-08-02 Chief of Medical Section, 20th Division
1937-08-02 1937-08-15 Chief of Medical Section, 3rd Division
1937-08-15 1938-02-15 Chief of Medical Section, Shanghai Expeditionary Army
1938-02-15 1939-01-23 Attached to 1st Depot Division
1939-01-23 1939-01-31 In reserve
1939-01-31 Retired