The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Tōichi Sasaki

Sasaki, Tōichi


* 17th of January 1886

† 30th of May 1955


(ささき とういち)


1930-08-01 Colonel
1935-03-15 Major-General
1938-03-01 Lieutenant-General 00.08.29-01.08.30: Attached to 46th Infantry Regiment


1930-08-01 1932-02-23 Commanding Officer 18th Infantry Regiment
1932-02-23 1932-04-11 Attached to Staff Section, Shanghai Expeditionary Army
1932-04-11 1932-08-08 Chief of Staff, 9th Depot Division
1932-08-08 1932-12-07 Chief of Staff, 9th Division
1932-12-07 1934-12-10 Military Advisor to Manchukuo
1934-12-10 1937-08-02 Chief Military Advisor to Manchukuo
1937-08-02 1938-03-01 Commanding Officer 30th Infantry Brigade
1938-03-01 1938-08-13 Commanding Officer 3rd Independent Mixed Brigade
1938-08-31 1939-09-07 Head of the Military Police (Kempeitai), China Expeditionary Army
1939-09-07 1941-03-01 General Officer Commanding 10th Division
1941-03-XX 1941-04-30 Attached to the General Staff
1941-04-30 Retired
1945-07-05 Recalled
1945-07-05 1945-07-16 Attached to Kwantung Army
1945-07-16 1945-09-XX General Officer Commanding 149th Division
1945-09-XX 1955-05-30 Prisoner of War [China]
1955-05-30 Died of Illness [China]
Picture source: Courtesy of Anonymous