The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Kinji Satomi

Satomi, Kinji


* 27th of February 1888

† 14th of September 1945


(さとみ きんじ)


1944-03-01 Major-General


1936-08-01 1938-04-15 Attached to Imperial Guards Division
1938-04-15 1939-01-31 Commanding Officer 104th Infantry Regiment
1939-01-31 1944-09-25 Attached to 1st Shipping Command
1944-09-25 1945-01-15 Commanding Officer Yokohama Security Command
1945-01-15 1945-02-01 Attached to Eastern Army
1945-02-01 1945-09-XX Attached to Eastern Army District