The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Tank Troops Evgenii Ivanovich Savtsov

Savtsov, Evgenii Ivanovich

Major-General of Tank Troops

* 21st of January 1900

† 27th of August 1970

(Евгений Иванович Савцов)


1936-02-15 Intendant 2nd Rank
1937-10-24 Intendant 1st Rank
1940-04-21 Colonel
1945-06-27 Major-General of Tank Troops


1936-XX-XX 1940-11-XX Assistant Commandant for Technical Affairs, Ulianovsk Tank School
1940-XX-XX Attending the Military Academy of Mechanisation & Motorisation
1941-11-30 1942-01-05 Deputy Commandant for Technical Affairs, Ulianovsk Tank School
1942-01-05 1942-05-XX Deputy Commandant of Ulianovsk Tank School
1942-05-XX 1943-06-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 22nd Tank Brigade
1942-06-XX 1943-01-03 Deputy Commanding Officer for Technical Affairs, XVII Tank Corps
1943-01-03 1945-08-XX Deputy Commanding Officer for Technical Affairs, IV Guards Tank Corps
1945-08-XX 1947-11-15 Deputy Commanding Officer for Technical Affairs, 4th Guards Tank Division
1947-11-15 1949-09-15 Deputy Commanding Officer for Technical Affairs, Tank & Mechanised Forces, Belorussian Military District
1947-11-15 1949-09-15 Chief of Technical Section, Tank & Mechanised Forces, Belorussian Military District
1949-09-15 1953-03-31 Assistant Commanding Officer for Technical Affairs, Tank & Mechanised Forces, 4th Mechanised Army
1953-03-31 1953-09-11 Deputy Commanding Officer for Technical Affairs, Tank & Mechanised Forces, Baltic Military District
1953-09-11 At disposal of the Organising Committee, Voluntary Society for Assistance to the Army, Air Force & Navy
1955-05-20 Commandant of the Central School for Technical Training, Voluntary Society for Assistance to the Army, Air Force & Navy
1955-05-20 Retired
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