The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Rikichirō Sawamoto

Sawamoto, Rikichirō


* 3rd of February 1898

† 16th of August 1966


(さわもと りきちろう)


1939-03-09 Colonel
1943-03-01 Major-General


1937-10-05 1939-03-09 Aide-de-Camp to the Emperor
1939-03-09 1941-09-23 Secretary of the Supreme War Council
1941-09-23 1942-08-01 Commanding Officer 10th Independent Mountain Artillery Regiment
1942-08-01 1943-03-18 Attached to the Inspectorate of Artillery
1943-03-18 1943-11-30 Attached to the China Expeditionary Army Headquarters
1943-11-30 1945-02-20 Japanese Military Advisor to the Burmese Government
1945-02-20 1945-09-02 Chief of Staff, 33rd Army [Burma]