The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Guy Schlesser

Schlesser, Guy


* 15th of March 1896

† 14th of February 1970


1938-09-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-03-25 Colonel
1944-11-25 Temporary Brigadier-General
1945-09-01 Brigadier-General (Dated back to 1944-11-25)
1949-02-01 Major-General
1952-04-23 Lieutenant-General


1936-06-06 1939-09-03 Attached to 2nd Bureau, Army General Staff
1939-09-03 1940-06-06 Attached to 5th Bureau, Army General Staff
1940-06-06 1940-06-17 Commanding Officer 31st Dragoon Regiment
1940-06-17 1940-07-12 Prisoner of War
1940-07-12 Escaped
1940-08-07 1940-09-01 Commanding Officer 18th Chasseurs Regiment
1940-09-01 1942-11-29 Commanding Officer 2nd Dragoon Regiment
1942-11-29 Demobilised
1943-03-05 Arrived in Algiers
1943-03-26 1943-04-25 Commanding Officer 9th African Chasseurs Regiment
1943-04-25 1943-06-05 Commanding Officer Support Brigade, 2nd Armoured Division
1943-06-05 1944-11-XX Commanding Officer Support Brigade, 5th Armoured Division
1944-11-XX 1945-04-22 Commanding Officer Combat Command 4, 5th Armoured Division
1945-05-14 1946-03-08 General Officer Commanding 5th Armoured Division
1946-03-08 1946-11-19 Commandant of École Spéciale Interarmes
1946-11-19 1948-12-22 General Officer Commanding Territorial Division Alger [Algeria]
1948-12-22 1950-05-31 Commanding Officer 5th Armoured Division
1950-05-31 1950-07-23 Assistant Commander in Chief French Occupation Forces in Germany
1950-07-23 1951-11-01 Chief of Military Cabinet to the Minister of National Defence
1951-08-28 1954-08-13 General Officer Commanding I Corps
1951-08-28 1954-08-13 General Officer Commanding Southern Territorial Zone, French Forces in Germany
1954-08-13 1956-03-15 At the disposal of the Minister of National Defence for organisational missions
1956-03-15 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Anonymous