The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Major-General Jacques-Fernand Schwartz

Schwartz, Jacques-Fernand


* 15th of June 1889

† 2nd of March 1960


1936-06-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1940-06-25 Colonel
1942-12-10 Brigadier-General
1945-11-05 Major-General (dated back to 1945-10-01)


1939-09-02 1940-05-14 Commanding Officer 70th Fortress Infantry Regiment
1940-05-14 1940-06-14 Commanding Officer Infantry, Fortified Sector Haguenau
1940-06-14 1940-07-01 Commanding Officer Fortified Sector Haguenau
1940-07-01 1940-10-14 Prisoner of War
1940-10-14 Released
1940-11-24 1942-11-08 Commanding Officer 7th Algerian Infantry Brigade [Algeria]
1940-11-24 1942-11-08 Commanding Officer Sub-Division Sétif [Algeria]
1942-11-08 1942-11-15 Attached to Division Constantine [Algeria]
1942-11-15 1943-04-05 Commanding Officer ? Tactical Group, Division Constantine [Algeria]
1943-04-05 1943-04-10 At disposal of General Officer Commanding Morocco
1943-04-10 1943-08-27 Assistant General Officer Commanding Fez Territorial Division [Morocco]
1943-04-10 1943-08-27 Assistant General Officer Commanding Fez Region [Morocco]
1943-04-10 1943-04-30 General Officer Commanding Division Constantine [Algeria]
1943-08-27 1944-09-23 Assistant General Officer Commanding Meknés Territorial Division [Morocco]
1943-08-27 1944-09-23 Assistant General Officer Commanding Meknés Region [Morocco]
1944-09-23 1945-01-11 Commanding Officer Department Bas-Rhin
1945-01-11 1945-04-14 Commanding Officer Sub-Division Bas-Rhin
1945-04-14 1945-04-23 At disposal of the Head of the French Military Mission of German Affairs
1945-04-23 1945-07-07 Military-Governor of Wurtemberg
1945-04-23 1945-07-07 Military-Governor of Stuttgart
1945-07-07 1945-07-10 At disposal of General Officer Commanding French Forces in Germany
1945-07-10 1949-09-05 Military-Governor of Baden
1945-09-05 1947-02-01 At disposal of General Officer Commanding French Forces in Germany
1947-02-01 1947-04-15 At disposal of the Minister of War
1947-04-15 1947-12-01 President of the Commission for Purgation & Reintegration of Military Personnel
1947-04-15 1947-12-01 President of the Commission for Clearing the Troops
1947-04-15 1947-12-01 President of the Review Board for Decorations & Citations awarded by the Vichy Government
1947-12-01 1948-06-15 Chief of the Military Cabinet to the President of the Council of Ministers
1948-06-15 Retired Top