The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Stepan Mikhailovich Sgibnev

Sgibnev, Stepan Mikhailovich


* 22nd of December 1898

† 29th of May 1987

(Степан Михайлович Сгибнев)


1945-09-08 Major-General


1940-07-XX 1941-02-XX Head of Reserve Officers' Advanced Training Course, Biisk
1941-02-XX 1941-04-XX Acting Chief of 1st Branch, Combat Training Section, Siberian Military District
1941-04-XX 1942-03-XX Commanding Officer 9th Rifle Regiment
1942-03-XX 1943-06-XX Chief of Staff, 94th Rifle Division
1943-06-XX 1943-07-XX Commanding Officer 226th Separate Rifle Brigade
1943-07-15 1947-02-XX Commanding Officer 293rd Rifle Division
1947-02-XX 1948-04-XX Senior Military Adviser to the Yugoslav Army
1948-04-XX 1949-11-XX Deputy Commanding Officer XVIII Guards Rifle Corps
1949-11-XX 1951-03-XX Assistant Commander in Chief for Military Educational Institutions, Western Siberian Military District
1951-03-XX At disposal of 10th Section, 2nd Main Directorate, General Staff
1955-01-XX Senior Military Adviser to ?
1955-01-XX Retired
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