The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Marshal of Soviet Union Boris Mikhailovich Shaposhnikov

Shaposhnikov, Boris Mikhailovich

Marshal of Soviet Union

* 20th of September 1882

† 26th of March 1945

(Борис Михайлович Шапошников)


1917-08-15 Colonel
1935-11-20 Komandarm 1st Rank
1940-05-07 Marshal of Soviet Union


1915-01-XX 1915-06-XX Acting Assistant Senior Adjutant, Operations Section, 12th Army
1915-06-XX 1915-08-XX Acting Staff Officer for Special Assignments, Quartermaster Section, Northwestern Front
1915-08-XX 1915-12-06 Acting Staff Officer for Special Assignments, Quartermaster Section, Western Front
1915-12-06 1916-05-09 Chief of Staff, Independent Mixed Cossack Brigade
1916-05-09 1917-02-XX Acting Chief of Staff, 2nd Turkestan Cossack Division
1917-02-XX 1917-09-30 Acting Chief of Staff, X Army Corps
1917-09-30 1917-12-XX Commanding Officer 16th Mingrelian Grenadier Regiment
1917-12-XX 1918-01-XX Commanding Officer Caucasian Grenadier Division
1918-01-XX 1918-02-XX Hospitalised
1918-05-22 1918-09-XX Assistant Head of Operations Directorate, Supreme Military Council
1918-09-XX 1918-11-XX Chief of Intelligence Section, Field Staff, Revolutionary Military Council
1918-11-XX 1919-08-XX Senior Assistant Chief of Special Secretariat, Military Council, Supreme Military Inspection of Russian SFSR
1919-08-XX 1919-10-XX Chief of Intelligence Section, Field Staff, Revolutionary Military Council
1919-10-XX 1921-02-XX Head of Operations Directorate, Field Staff, Revolutionary Military Council
1921-02-XX 1925-05-XX First Deputy Chief of the General Staff
1924-09-XX 1925-05-XX Acting Chief of the General Staff
1925-05-14 1925-10-20 Deputy Commander in Chief Leningrad Military District
1925-10-20 1927-05-05 Commander in Chief Leningrad Military District
1927-05-05 1928-05-05 Commander in Chief Moscow Military District
1928-05-05 1931-02-01 Chief of the General Staff
1931-02-01 1932-03-25 Commander in Chief Volga Military District
1932-05-25 1935-09-29 Commandant of Frunze Military Academy
1932-05-25 1935-09-29 Military Commissar, Frunze Military Academy
1935-09-29 1937-06-05 Commander in Chief Leningrad Military District
1937-05-11 1940-08-15 Chief of the General Staff
1938-03-13 1941-06-23 Member of the Supreme Military Council
1939-12-09 1940-03-12 Member of the High Command
1940-08-15 1943-06-23 Deputy People’s Commissar of Defence
1941-06-21 1941-06-30 Chief of Staff, Western Front
1941-07-10 1941-08-08 Member of the High Command
1941-07-21 1941-07-29 Chief of Staff, Western Theatre
1941-07-30 1942-05-XX Chief of the General Staff
1941-08-08 1945-03-26 Member of the High Command
1943-05-XX 1945-03-26 Commandant of Military Academy of the General Staff
1945-03-26 Died of illness
Picture source: Courtesy of Auke de Vlieger