The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Ivan Kuzmich Shcherbina

Shcherbina, Ivan Kuzmich


* 19th of May 1904

† 23rd of January 1998

(Иван Кузьмич Щербина)


1943-11-17 Major-General


1941-06-XX 1941-12-XX Commanding Officer 18th Motorised Rifle Regiment
1941-12-XX 1942-03-XX Commanding Officer 27th Guards Rifle Regiment
1942-03-XX 1942-08-25 Acting Chief of Staff 11th Guards Rifle Division
1942-08-25 1942-11-09 Acting Commanding Officer 11th Guards Rifle Division
1942-11-11 1943-01-04 Commanding Officer 11th Guards Rifle Division
1943-01-04 1943-02-24 Commanding Officer 4th Separate Rifle Brigade
1943-02-24 1944-07-06 Commanding Officer 31st Guards Rifle Division
1944-07-06 1944-10-28 Wounded and hospitalised
1944-10-28 1945-03-XX Commanding Officer 84th Guards Rifle Division
1946-03-XX 1946-07-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 16th Guards Rifle Division
1946-07-XX 1949-06-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 25th Separate Rifle Brigade
1949-06-XX 1951-01-XX Commanding Officer 207th Rifle Division
1951-01-XX 1954-03-XX Deputy Commanding Officer LXXIX Rifle Corps
1954-08-XX 1956-12-XX Commanding Officer Kuibyshev Air Defence Corps
1956-12-XX 1962-05-XX First Deputy Chief of Combat Training Section, Turkestan Military District
1961-01-XX 1962-05-XX Deputy Chief of Combat Training & Military Educational Institutions Section, Turkestan Military District
1962-05-XX Retired.
Picture source: Courtesy of Ilya Mukhin