The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Tank Troops Ivan Vladimirovich Shevnikov

Shevnikov, Ivan Vladimirovich

Major-General of Tank Troops

* 30th of March 1895

† 12th of May 1967

(Иван Владимирович Шевников)


1938-08-06 Colonel
1944-08-02 Major-General of Tank Troops


1936-11-02 1938-11-16 Commanding Officer 204th Separate Reconnaissance Battalion
1938-11-16 1939-01-11 Assistant Commanding Officer 7th Motor-Tank Brigade
1939-01-11 1939-10-07 Commanding Officer 7th Motor-Tank Brigade
1939-10-07 1940-11-XX Commanding Officer 9th Motor-Tank Brigade
1940-11-23 1941-03-XX Attending the Frunze Military Academy
1941-04-01 1941-08-01 Deputy Commanding Officer 82nd Motorised Division
1941-08-01 1942-02-14 Commanding Officer 111th Tank Division
1942-04-09 1942-12-XX Deputy Commanding Officer Tank Forces, 36th Army
1942-12-XX 1944-12-XX Commanding Officer Tank Forces, 36th Army
1944-12-XX 1946-01-XX Deputy Commanding Officer Tula Tank Camp
1946-01-XX 1946-11-01 Commanding Officer 35th Guards Mechanised Division
1946-11-01 Retired
Picture source: From 'Velikaya Otechestvennaya. Komdivy. Voennyy biograficheskiy slovar. Tom 1", 2011