The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Ichirō Shichida

Shichida, Ichirō


* 20th of November 1886

† 4th of April 1957


(しちだ いちろう)


1932-08-08 Colonel
1937-03-01 Major-General
1939-08-01 Lieutenant-General


1929-08-01 1932-08-08 Senior Staff Officer, Assignments Branch, Personnel Bureau, Ministry of War
1932-08-08 1933-08-01 Commanding Officer 22nd Infantry Regiment
1933-08-01 1937-03-01 Chief of 2nd Branch, Inspectorate-General of Military Training
1937-03-01 1937-11-01 Commanding Officer 24th Infantry Brigade
1937-11-01 1938-09-07 Executive Officer, Military Academy
1939-09-07 1941-04-10 General Officer Commanding 20th Division
1941-04-10 1942-03-02 Commandant of the Military Preparatory School
1942-03-02 1943-05-28 General Officer Commanding Mongolia Garrison Army
1943-05-28 1943-10-29 General Officer Commanding 2nd Army [Manchuria]
1944-03-23 1945-04-14 Commandant of Toyama Army School
1944-06-26 1944-10-31 Commandant of the Army Science School
1945-04-15 1945-08-29 General Officer Commanding 56th Army