The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Norifumi Shigetō

Shigetō, Norifumi


* 3rd of May 1895

† 9th of August 1947


(しげとう のりふみ)


1940-08-01 Colonel
1945-06-10 Major-General


1938-12-10 1940-08-01 Head of the Military Police (Kempeitai), Nagoya
1940-08-01 1942-05-02 Attached to Military Police (Kempeitai) Section, Central China Expeditionary Army
1942-05-02 1945-08-10 Head of the Military Police (Kempeitai), Southern China Expeditionary Army
1945-08-10 1945-09-18 Head of the Military Police (Kempeitai), Northern China Area Army
1947-04-XX Condemned to death as a war criminal
1947-08-09 Executed [China]