The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Akinosuke Shigeyasu

Shigeyasu, Akinosuke


* 23rd of June 1898

† 6th of February 1978


(しげやす あきのすけ)


1941-03-01 Colonel
1945-03-01 Major-General


1938-03-01 1939-03-09 Staff Officer, Northern China Area Army
1939-03-09 1943-04-22 Instructor at the War College
1943-04-22 1944-03-22 Senior Staff Officer, 1st Army
1944-03-22 1945-03-01 Chief of Manoeuvres Section, 2nd Area Army
1945-06-01 1945-10-01 Deputy Chief of Staff, Tokai Army District
1945-10-01 1945-10-22 Chief of Staff, Tokai Army District